Port Clinton Income Tax Department upgrades software to ease the filing and payment process.

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Port Clinton Income Tax Department upgrades software to ease the filing and payment process.

Positive changes are coming to the Port Clinton Tax Office, reported Port Clinton Tax Commissioner Michelle Bryant in a press release released at Port Clinton City Council on Tuesday, Jan. 10.

The implementation of City Tax Software is moving the Port Clinton Income Tax Department out of the 1980s and directly into the 21st Century, said Bryant.

“It’s not only a giant step forward for the day-to-day operations, but a massive leap in convenience for income tax payers and those that prepare the necessary documentation,” said Bryant.

“Over 35 years ago, the City of Port Clinton began using income tax software to track, collect and monitor taxpayer generated funds. At that time, that action was certainly a positive milestone for this office. Regular updates kept that software current.

“However, the technology and capabilities of modern software platforms, like City Tax, makes our current platform critically obsolete.”

Bryant pointed out that most of the improvements realized by the software upgrade will be felt both externally and internally. The biggest game changer for the taxpaying public will come from the new ability to e-file income tax returns, make payments on line, streamlined communication, continued focus on educating the general public about municipal taxes and a taxpayer portal for easier access to their account information.

While the taxpayer is predominantly interested in the ease of use when it comes to filing tax returns and making payments, there are many features on the backside that will strengthen record retention, state reporting, audits and compliance.

“In this day and age, it’s somewhat embarrassing that it’s taken us this long to offer e-filing and online payment capabilities,”  said Bryant. “The municipal income tax department will be offering assistance for anyone needing help with their City of Port Clinton electronic filing and payments as the system and its features go live.”

Safety Service Director Tracy Colston is happy with what Bryant has accomplished as Tax Commissioner.

“Income tax is the city’s primary source of revenue,” said Colston. “Her office sets the tone for what we as a city can do, or can’t do. What makes her efforts to date so outstanding is the fact that she’s increased collections, tracked non-filers and non-payers, bettered communication with the public, and has an open door policy for anyone stopping in needing help or having questions. Bryant has increased our ability to function with the new software platform.”

The City Auditor, City Treasurer, Law Director and Tax Commissioner have been collaborating for months to find the right software fit for City Hall.  The Tax Department began training on Monday, Jan. 9, with an anticipated launch of the City Tax platform in early February.

To learn more about City Tax Software and its capabilities, including taxpayer’s ability to e-file, call the Port Clinton Income Tax Department at 419-734-5522, Option 4.